Tuesday, August 12, 2014

dirty hair 'do's'

So we have heard it time and time again...”you need to train your hair!”... you need to do what?!? Yes ladies, train your hair. As some or most of you might already know this entails us to not wash our hair for several days at a time, leaving us greasy looking and maybe even feeling a bit dirty.

A lot of us out there can’t stand the way our hair looks and feels after just 24 hours unwashed, but 2-3-5 days with no shampoo... yiks! But I have good news... it really isn’t that scary!  I have a few tips and tricks up my sleeve for you ladies who don’t want to or have the time to wash your hair every day and who love the idea of the easiness’ of a wake up and go hairstyle.


1.       Get the right shampoo! Most shampoos contain many chemicals. The chemicals in the shampoo are massaged into hair and scalp, and when washed away it takes all the dirt and oils with it. The problem with this is that as your washing it away (*remember with the dirt and oil) you are removing all your natural oils. When this happens your scalp and hair follicles go into over drive and in turn over produce your natural oil = you having to wash your hair more frequently = you spending more of your hard earned money at the drug store or hair salon. Read the labels ladies. You want to get as natural of a product as possible. If not even make your own.  

2.       Slow down on the conditioner. Yes, we all want luscious locks that shine when the sun hits them, but the fact is that there are most brands of conditions, like shampoos, have chemicals in them such as silicone. The silicone is put in the product to cote your hair, making it sleek and shiny. What is also does is weigh down your hair, and can aid in your hair getting greasier faster. To avoid this you can try a couple different things. #1. Do not bring the conditioner all the way to the root, but start it half way down your hair paying attention to the ends. #2. Look at and pay attention to the label. Just like shampoo you want to get a product as natural as possible.   

3.       BEFORE bed spray in some leave in shampoo, sprinkle in some baby powder or even some baking soda. Now there are dozens of brands that carry the new leave in shampoo product, and your hair might react to each product differently, so you may have to do some trial runs. My general go-to is a sprinkle of baby powder and quick brush through. This will absorb any oil and grease your hair has produced during the day, and will produce during sleep.

4.       Fake it till you make it! Put that hair up ladies. There are a million and one cute up do’s that you can DO YOUR SELF! From side braids to ballet buns and everything in between. The beauty about today’s “hair style guide” is that there really isn’t one. You can see messy bed head hair styles from the city streets to the red carpet (and some people pay big money to get their hair to look like a messy bun.) You lucky girl, all you need is some good hair spray/ texture spay/ sea salt spray and a little back combing and your set. * see below for some quick and easy DIRTY HAIR DO’S and try today.


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