Saturday, March 29, 2014

a haute mess signing off

As I sit here with my morning cup of coffee, and get caught up on my latest Canadian fashion bloggers, I come across Niki Blasina's {A Haute Mess} post for the day.... she is leaving the blogging world! What!!!! Her and A Haute Mess will no longer be making daily post on She referred to this decision as a |break up|; as she has been able to form a relationship with her readers over the years. This break up however, is not ending on bad terms... it is simply ending because it is time....

 Picture from A Haute Mess blog page

Friday, March 28, 2014

money rules with gail vaz-oxlade

are you staying hydrated?

Okay it is post spring break, and your bodies are tanned and glowing thanks to the long days in the pool or at the beach, but how are you going to ensure that you don't start pealing as soon as you step off the plane?

easy brown sugar banana bread

This yummy banana bread is easy to make, and delicious...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

recipe box

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" ... well this might be true... but it sure doesn't hurt for you to enjoy a little something as well.

fuit & nut bars

When you are looking for a little 'pick me up' in the middle of the day or a quick morning snack, these homemade fruit and nut bars are the way to go.
What  you need:
- 2 cups dried and pitted dates
- 1 cup dried fruit & nut mix (salted or non salted; up to you)